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Setup Your Own Device

Download ISO file

Setup your own device

Set up your own device by downloading ISO file into your Raspberry Pi. Make sure you have components as described in the pre-requirements list and done connections accordingly, to prevent failures.


How to setup your own device?

Step 1: Download ISO file

Download the ISO file from here or the button provided in the navbar.

Step 2: Write the downloaded image file to the SD card

How you Write the image to the SD card will depend on the operating system you are using.

Here are the references where you will find the documentation on how to Write the ISO image file into SD card.

Step 3: Connect the RTC module to Raspberry Pi

Warning: The Pi must be powered down whenever you are connecting or disconnecting pins.

Plug the RTC board onto your Raspberry Pi GPIO pins on the inside corner with the RTC board pointing inwards, as shown in the diagram above.

Below are the links to buy RTC module:

Step 4: Boot your device

Insert the SD card into the Raspberry Pi and power it up.

Step 5: Connect your device by entering the key

Activation key will display on screen. Enter this key to a particular registered screen in your adverto account's Screens page to connect Screen with the device.